Musica Chromatica
7000 Windyrush Rd, + Charlotte NC 28226
KLEUCKER5@AOL.COM * 704-819-0939
Music of
Wally Kleucker

26 New Songs for UU SERVICES

Composed and arranged by Wally Kleucker


View or download a free copy of the hymnal


Section 1: Opening or Chalice Lighting HYMNS

1. A Day of Sunshine (Longfellow)

2. In Equal Measure (Thoreau)

3. Let My Mind Be Open

4. Sing a New Song For a New Day

5. The Season of Possibility (Rev. Robin Tanner)

6. We Bid You Welcome! (Rev. Richard S. Gilbert)

7. We Light Our Flaming Chalice

Section 2: Meditation HYMNS

8. Bellsound (Rev. Mark Belletini)

9. Beauty Is Before Me (Navajo prayer)

10. From the Depth ofWinter's Chill (Henry Berne)

11. We Remember

12. O My Mother the Earth (Tewa prayer)

13. Soar With Me

14. The Stars Awaken Reverence (Emerson)

15. While In the Woods (Emerson)

Section 3: Closing HYMNS

16. Along the Road of Peace

17. Common Ground

18. Each Step I Take

19. Love Is the Spirit of This Church (James Vila Blake)

20. Our Family Is Humankind

21. Seekers of Truth

22. When the WinterWinds Blow

Section 4: Hymns for Multigenerational Services

23. The Seven Principles

24. The Spirit of the Child (Sarah Moores Campbell York)

25. The Yo-yo Song (We Can Change the World)

26. We're Family

For information about how to order hymnals